"Wonderful, beautiful is what you see
When you look at me
You're turning the tattered fabric of my life into
A perfect tapestry"
I am in awe of God's amazing sovereignty in my life. He is my master planner. I look back through the last few years of my life and whilst I was in it... there was a lot of chaos, pain, and struggle as I went through the difficult process of growing up. But now I can look back and see His hand in everything. How he has shaped and formed me into the person that I am. How he has been faithful all along. It reminds of the above lyrics. Through the tattered messed up moments, God has and still is weaving a beautiful beautiful picture... and what is it of? Simply his mercy and grace to an undeserving sinner.
I am excited about the future. I know there is going to be sorrow along the way. I know I will mess up time and time again the blessings that God has given me. I know there will be things I regret. But what amazing incomprehensible joy as a Christian that at the end of my life, I can look back through the chaos, the pain, the regrets and say... because of Christ in me... everything makes sense. His grace and mercy has made something beautiful out of the chaos.
And one day soon when He calls me home, I will stand before Him overflowing with joy, knowing that because of Christ in me, I can face that judgment seat unafraid. Why?? Because it was all finished at the cross. His glory, amazing grace and mercy shine more brightly through all my weakness and failure.
We need to remember and be encouraged by this amazing truth: There is always reason for the Christian to rejoice, despite the sin, suffering, and battles that we daily face. Sometimes the battle wages hard and fierce, but the victory is already won :) Through Christ the end result is already determined. So rejoice today fellow believers!!
Woot! Amen :)